A little fact about me is that I secretly love books and podcasts on becoming a better person. I am a firm believer in self-improvement and this summer I stumbled upon a TED talk called How to Find Work You Love by Scott Dinsmore. It kind of rocked my world and I made all my friends and family watch it. Seriously, I hounded them to watch it even when they didn’t feel like it at the time. I later found out Dinsmore created the organization named Live Your Legend, which I fell in love with. It’s based upon the principles of surrounding yourself with people who make things possible that otherwise seem impossible to you, and creating work that you're passionate about and has meaning. I signed up for their newsletter and just this last week they threw down the challenge to blog for seven days. SEVEN DAYS! [Side note: I told myself I would start blogging again but nothing too demanding in case this post incriminates me for lack of future posts.]
An introspective post calls for an introspective self portrait. Project emulating Nan Goldin, 2014.
“What really makes you angry about the world?” the blog challenge first prompted. I pondered and thought “I’m not ‘Angry’ with anything.” A few seconds later, “Oh wait, yes I am.” I have a hard time understanding entitled people and those who treat the persons under them as less-than. Are we not all human? Did we not all have to climb to where we are today and start at the bottom? Let’s treat everyone with respect, ok?! Whether it be your Uber driver, the cashier ringing up your groceries, your coworkers or kids, be nice to them. Last time I checked we’re not robots and we all have emotions.
How I see the double life of a mean, entitled person.
In the art world my favorite people to work with have been exemplars of great skill and have treated me with respect. They had a way of telling me what I needed to work on and change without making me feel bad or belittled. This is my request, BE NICE. Don't be entitled to think you're better than others. Don't lead that double life of only being nice to friends but horrible to the little people around you. Find the good and try to respect a little more. Until my next blog post, peace!
If you're feeling it, tell me what you secretly love and what makes you angry.